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TP link Router Setting (Wireless WiFi Setting and Security)


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First, you have to need the basic setting for internet access. After that follow these steps for TP-link Router Setting (Wireless Setting and Security).

1. Type on the address bar of your browser (See on the back side of your TP-link router)

TP link Router Setting (Wireless WiFi Setting and Security)

2. Type username and password (default is admin and admin)

TP link Router Setting (Wireless WiFi Setting and Security)

3. Click on Interface setup > Wireless

4. Type SSID (Which is your wifi name)

5.  Deactive use WPS (This helps to protect your TP link router access from hackers)

5. Choose Authentication type WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK (which  is the max security for TP-link router access from hacking)

6. Choose Encryption as TKIP/AES

7. Type Pre-shared Key (which is your WIFI password ) use password like " *zaqwsx@1980# " means the mix of all characters.

TP link Router Setting (Wireless WiFi Setting and Security)

8. Click on save

That's all. Your WiFi is now more secure than before.

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